
cabinThe Parvin State Park Appreciation Committee is recognized by the New Jersey State Park Service (Directive #30) as an Officially Recognized Friends Organization.

We are seeking volunteers of all ages and abilities.

We have something for everyone to be productive at Parvin State Park.

Volunteers are needed to supplement the overall park maintenance that cannot be covered by the few employees, due to equipment and time commitment needs.

Parvin Volunteers participate once a month (third Saturday) in general work days at the Park.

Volunteers clean or widen trails, and perform other general upkeep.

Various fundraising events are held throughout the year, usually no more than once a month. The major fundraising event is the Annual Halloween Event held in October.

We need lots of volunteers to make this the continued success we have been striving for during the park’s more than 93-year history.

Contact us today to join!